Thursday 26 April 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

The one thing I hate about living in the North East is it constantly rains and its freezing the major of the time!
It makes everyones moods so grim. Especially mine! I suffer from acrocyanosis so i can't really leave the house when its cold...
So i'm sitting in front of the TV watching 90210 with a cup of tea still in my jim jams wishing i lived some where like that.

On the plus side, i have my first photo shoot for my final major project on Wednesday. I decided to do the bondage theme first as one of my best friends is modelling for me so it's the only time she can get off work. I'm so excited! I just hope it goes as well as I hope!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Short and sweet!

Many apologies with the slack attempt at blogging! I'm so naive at managing time!
I had my PED deadline today, for those who don't know what it stands for its a Professional Engagement Document. We had to write about professional experience, contact with practitioners, show our portfolio of work and self promotional materials, our curriculum vitae and identifying and talking to suitable design businesses. So, in other words, the most grimmest thing ever to be written! Thats 3 days of my life I will never get back!

On a happier note, its my best friends birthday today so i'm meeting her and a few of our other friends for lots of cocktails! Well, probably 3 because i'm a terrible light weight! Then possibly a film, she wants to go see the Titanic in 3D again! I'm sure this is her 3rd time! But its her birthday so she's allowed!

Besides, after a long weekend at work and a few all nighters, it's well deserved for me also!

This was only a short but sweet post just so you all don't think i have forgotten about you!

Now i'm going to leave you with a song i have to put up with every thursday, friday and saturday at work! I'm not into hip hop and shit but you've gotta love 2Pac! <3

Thursday 19 April 2012

Final Major Project

So yeah, things are slowly but surely coming together for my final major project. I'm just waiting for odd prop and garment for the shoots.

I buy Dazed and Confused, Love, Pop and Wonderland magazine religiously. Also, I thought the first issue of Hunger magazine was unreal. So, judging by what i read i'm kinda into the photography style that will blow your face off!

So for my little trend/ photography book i'm focusing on a number of themes such as Native, bondage, day of the dead, clowns (although i'm petrified of them i thought it would be interesting), a doll theme and a few others.

Here are some bits and bobs of inspiration :)

Hi hi! :)

Well…this is something I never thought I’d find myself doing.

Writing a blog.

I’m not really one for writing down all of my ideas, posting inspiration or explain what I do and why I do it. So I suppose there’s a first time for everything right? You never know, I might actually enjoy it! I’ve tried using tumblr and it just confuses me and I can never seem to find the right layout for it and I don’t have the patience to make a layout!

So anyway, I’d like to introduce myself.

My name is Caroline and I’m a Fashion, Product and Promotion student at Sunderland University, currently in my third and final year, so yes, the clock is ticking! I have to prepare myself for the ‘real’ world after graduation! Eeek!

Just so you know, I’m not going to blag your heads talking about fashion everyday! I mean yeah I obviously have to talk about it quite a lot as it is for Uni but I will try to make it as interesting as possible but just so you know I actually like to talk about things other than fashion and I will include it. For example, I may talk about music, travelling, work (although I work in a bar, it is actually more interesting than you think), or just my day to day antics. Who knows! I like being spontaneous so it depends what kind of mood I’m in :)

I suppose as this is my first post, I should really say a little bit about myself etc.


Well before I was a student at Sunderland, I was previously a student at Newcastle College studying a National Diploma in Textiles. First year was both fashion and textiles, then towards the end of our first year we had to decide which aspect we’d like to continue so I chose textiles. I absolutely loved it. I met so many different and amazing people and I’m still close to them now. There was so much inspiration, which is probably why I came out with 2 distinctions and a merit. 

Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t go to Uni to study textiles since I’m good at it but at the time I thought it would be good to have both a fashion and textiles background when/if I graduate.

Anyway, my time at Sunderland University, I’ve dabbled in illustration, design, textiles, styling, photography, the list goes on!

Not that any of my work is worth showing, I will post some anyway!

So…things I like about what I’m studying? Good question.

SKETCHBOOKS! I love, love, love doing them! It’s where I seem to express myself the most! My tutors know that too. I’m just a really visual person. I’ve been told I pull out fantastic and unique imagery but I like thinking outside the box. Its fun. People have often said to me “I’d love to know how your mind works”. Trust me, you don’t! Ha.

Also, styling has always been a bit of a passion. It’s nice when people come to me for advice or to go shopping with them, also when people stop me in the street and compliment my style or something that I’m wearing I’m just like “Honestly?! I just threw it on!” but it’s always lovely.

Photography is becoming an obsession, I’ve recently became a member of the iPhone family and Instagram is getting abused! I’m literally taking photos of anything and everything.

My final major project for Uni is all photography and styling based. I can’t wait to go back to Uni, book the studio and get snappy happy! :D

So yeah, that’s a little bit about what I do.  I will be posting quite regularly as this is a documentation for Uni and stuff so if you would like the keep reading then I would really appreciate it. Just be patient as it’ll take me a while to get the hang of it and in the swing of it….oh and what is appropriate to say. I don’t want to get done for slander or anything :)

Thank you for reading <3

Caroline xxxx